Monthly Archives: January 2025

Bibliography: “Sexualities and Textualities”

References for the paper “Sexualities and Textualities: An Archaeological Perspective” to be presented at the annual meeting of the Society for Historical Archaeology in 2025

Agarwal, Sabrina C. 2012. “The Past of Sex, Gender, and Health: Bioarchaeology of the Aging Skeleton.” American anthropologist 114 (2): 322-335.

Benveniste, Emile. 1971. “The Nature of Pronouns, The Nature of the Linguistic Sign, and, Subjectivity in Language.” In Problems in General Linguistics, 217-230, 43-54. Miami: The University of Miami Press.

Drake, St. Clair, and Horace A. Cayton. 1993 [1945]. Black Metropolis: A Study of Negro Life in a Northern City. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Drury, Doreen M. 2009. “Love, Ambition, and “Invisible Footnotes” in the Life and Writing of Pauli Murray.” Souls 11 (3): 295-309.

—. 2013. “Boy-girl, Imp, Priest: Pauli Murray and the Limits of Identity.” Journal of Feminist Studies in Religion 29 (1): 142-147.

Fearnbach History Services, Inc. 2016. Robert G. and Cornelia S. Fitzgerald House–Pauli Murray Family Home, 906 Carroll Street, Durham, Durham County, North Carolina: Historic Structure Report. National Trust for Historic Preservation (Durham, North Carolina).

Fisher, Simon D. Elin 2019. “Challenging Dissemblance in Pauli Murray Historiography, Sketching a History of the Trans New Negro.” The Journal of African American History 104 (2): 176-200.

Franklin, Maria. 2020. “Gender, Clothing Fasteners, and Dress Practices in Houston’s Freedmen’s Town, ca. 1880–1904.” Historical Archaeology: 556-580.

Keane, Webb. 2005. “Signs Are Not the Garb of Meaning: On the Social Analysis of Material Things.” In Materiality, edited by Daniel Miller, 182-205. Durham: Duke University Press.

Mullins, Paul R. 1999. Race and affluence : an archaeology of African America and consumer culture. New York: Kluwer Academic.

Murray, Pauli. 1947. “Why Negro Girls Stay Single.” Negro Digest (July): 4-8.

—. 1987. Song in a weary throat : an American pilgrimage. New York: Harper & Row.

—. 1999. Proud Shoes: The Story of an American Family.Black women writers series. Boston: Beacon Press.

Murray, Pauli, and Mary O. Eastwood. 1965. “Jane Crow and the Law: Sex Discrimination and Title VII.” George Washington Law Review 34 (2): 232-256.

Murray, Pauli, and Genna Rae McNeil. 1976. Oral history interview with Pauli Murray, February 13, 1976 : interview G-0044, Southern Oral History Program Collection (#4007). Chapel Hill, N.C. : University Library, UNC-Chapel Hill, 2007.

Rosenberg, Rosalind. 2017. Jane Crow : the life of Pauli Murray.. New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

Saxby, Troy R. 2020. Pauli Murray : a personal and political life. Chapel Hill: Chapel Hill : The University of North Carolina Press.

Schmidt, Robert A., and Barbara L. Voss, eds. 2000. Archaeologies of Sexuality. Florence, Kentucky: Routledge.


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